Thanks goes out to my neighbor Stephen who picked up some 2000 wood screws out of the back of my bus and disconnected the emergency brake. Which was jambing the transmission into gear. Without the emergency brake, He was able to get the transmission into neutral, which enabled us to start the engine in the bus. This let us know that the motor and transmission were left unharmed.
This is good news. Thanks Stephen
Sorry no new pictures
Give justice to the poor and the orphan; uphold the rights of the oppressed and destitute. Rescue the poor and helpless; deliver them from the grasp of evil people Psalm 82:3–4
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
More Pictures
Here are some pictures of the bus in the back yard. If you look at the steering column that is where the rest of the front of the bus was before the jaws of life. You can see on that big bubble thing on the left inside that there is a dent in it. That is what broke my leg. Sorry for the blood stains. And while you are there, check out the spot God saved for Genessa in the passenger seat. Just enough room, God is Good. I even put in a shot of Violet and I in our respective Wheelchairs.
Glad to be here.

Glad to be here.

Wendy's last ride

Unfortunatily Monday Genessa, Wendy and I went out for a Monday afternoon stroll when a unlicensed and uninsured motorist pulled out in front of us causing a collision.
The basics were We were going to turn onto rolling hills drive in front of Fiesta square, so we were in the turn lane. When this person decided to turn left out of the small back exit of fiesta square that you are not suppost to turn left out of. I saw him as the front of his s-10 truck poked out from inbetween two cars I at that point slammed on my brakes and he procedded to not see me and speed up to use the turn lane as a merge lane. At which point he ran into us.
luckily Genessa was not hurt badly, she has something like a sprained ankle and will have to walk on crutches for a week or so.
I took a little more of the force, Both my legs were pinned between the front of the car and what is bassicaly the bottom of my seat. I also hit my face on something, eaither the dash, steering wheel, windshield or all of the above. In addition the steering wheel was pushing on my stomach making it hard to breath if I sat up.
It was at this point that I was glad to notice that the person who hit me was backing his car up to relieve some of the pressure from my legs. It was at this point that I was angered beyond belief to notice that he was actually backing up to leave. Here is where I yelled at him not to leave and where Genessa got his licnse plate number.
When the rescue squade arived, they were able to free my legs with the "jaws of life"(as seen at the spring 07 demolition derby) and exstricate me from the vehicle. Genessa and I both rode in the ambulance to Washington regional hospital. Here is where genessa realized her ankle might be hurt a bit more than she thought. (I am glad she didn't get hurt any worse, I love my wife)
all that said I ended up with 12 stitches in my face, a broken left leg, a broken big toenail, lots of cuts, three jamed apendages and a whole bunch of friends and family gathered around to support my wife and I. Thank you to all you who have showed up, brought food, prayed, picked something up for us, or will do these things in the near future.
After two days in the hospital we are home. And I am likely bored
Enough writting lets get to what everyone wants to see, the pictures. If you don't like blood, don't look below here.

Come back for some more pictures of the bus.
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