Genessa and I cleaned our garage this weekend and last weekend. Here are some pictures. See if you can find the Items listed below. The person who first identifies the most items' locations and post a comment regarding the items whereabouts wins.
What do you win? A big Blue inflatable ball.
Here are the items:
15' long Concrete Vibrator
Giant Checker board set. (the kind that is basically a rug)
Pencil Sharpener
Dutch ovens
Scotts #2 Hand Spreader
Fly Swatter
Bonus: Any Item listed in my car cleaning blog (worth two points per listing) Hint: See my July Archives

Lets see some contests on your blogs.
Shine on,
Tim and Genessa
this reminds me of those highlights magazines in doctors' offices....
It would take forever for me to identify those objects but looks like you did a good job on the garage. I am glad to see you blogging.
Love you both
It would take forever for me to identify those objects but looks like you did a good job on the garage. I am glad to see you blogging.
Love you both
The vibrator is in the floor spaning the bottom of the first picture. The Unicycle is in the top of the corner by the heater doodad. Pencil sharpener is on the wall by the heater doodad. Dutch ovens are in the middle of the first picture on the floor in the middle of the shelving unit. Hand spreader is on top of the same shelving unit in the right corner. The fly swatter is on the wall to the left of the door leading inside the house its green.
By the way Jay-Z is now on the clean water idea now too.
What's up Tim! There is a bunch of stuff by the white walls!
Just stopped by and wanted to say hi!
duuude. nice posts. i do like your contest ideas, even if i'm too cramped for time to post entries for the prizes. Nice work on the garage. having seen it myself, used the concrete vibrator within those narrow confines myself, i sincerely respect the good you have done there. i am highly curious, though, how long genessa's been suggesting this course of action, as I know that you, historically, wouldn't've thought to go to such great lengths on your own... ;)
look for pictures from ireland on my blog in the near future...
Hey is that our little tan trashcan in your garage? We used it when we moved the fish tank. If it is, I wouldn't mind having it back. :)
Looks like we have a winner. Allen he correctly identified the most items.
I will be giving him the coveted blue champion ball.
and I guess I have to give keisha back her trash can because I didn't hide it well enough.
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