1. The average millionaire reads a book a month. So I have read like 6 or seven books in the last month or so which is a lot more moneys worth.
2. To make myself a better person.
3. Because I have never been able to do it before.
4. Despite hating school, I do like to learn stuff.
My medium of choice
I do not have the patients or attention span to sit down and read a book in the traditional ways. In fact, I will be lucky if I proof read this blog before submitting it.
My solution has been to read audio books. I have subscribed to a audio book club called Simply Audio Books . It is great, it costs $15 a month and it works kind of like netflix. I have a list of books that I want to read and they send it to me in the order (providing the selection is available). When I am done with the books I send them back and they send me the next one. If anyone is interested let me know because I get an upgrade on my account if I can get a referral.
By the way, I still call listening to audio books reading. It makes me feel smarter.
Here is the list.

Unleashing the ideavirus- book by Seth Godin talking about viral marketing. Good book, gives guidance on how you can create a buzz about your product or service that will be conducive to viral marketing. This gave me the final inspiration to start our video podcast. Coming in Aug/sep.

The Velvet Elvis- I am reading this book right now. It is by Rob Bell. It is about a new way of thinking about Christianity. Maybe more specifically about how we think about our faith has to keep changing. My understanding is that God is not changing but the way that we relate to God does change as our culture changes. I think this book asks more questions than I care to read. But maybe I will change my mind when I am done with it.

that's my list. I think I have successfully read more books this month than I have in my whole life. Kinda sad but true. I was never much of a reader so to be able to listed to a book on my commute to work is perfect for me. Find something that works for you.
Shine on,
1 comment:
i think you and my husband would get along...
i am a friend of Genessa's btw.
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