So most you probably know that NWA will soon have a new mall. I got curious about what new stores would be coming to the area. I wasn't impressed, I would say at least 75% of the stores can be found at the NWA mall and some being found at the mall formally know as the Dixieland mall "smaller mall with the big surprises, Dixieland mall". Just so everyone knows the big surprise at the Dixieland mall is that no one goes there. Check out the store list HERE.
The new mall is also an outdoor mall, which is supposed to be cool, but I bet most of this winter it is going to be cold and the summer will likely bring scorching heat which makes me not want to walk around especially carrying bags.
My thought on weather is that right now it would be nice to walk around outdoors and shop but a month ago I would be at the NWA Mall. I would also say a month or two from now It will be too cold most of the time to be walking around outside. Who wants to get there picture taken with Santa wearing your big think coat and gloves.
All that said, I plan on braving the crowd sometime during the first weekend they are open to check it out and see if my thought about the mall are true or not. The mall opens Oct. 4th.
So what do you think.
Any stores that look worthy of a trip?
Indoor or outdoor?
Will you make the trip the first weekend?
Will this be the end of the phrase Mall Walker?
Will the traffic ever be the same?
Will this be the end of the frisco station mall?
So many questions.
Shine on,