Most people know that coming in Feb 2009 if you use an antenna to watch tv (as we do), you will have to have a newer tv to get free television channels. A lot of people aren't happy about this. Although I am not excited about paying for a new tv, I am excited about the opportunity that this brings to all of us.
This has made a very large section of the wireless spectrum available and the government is going to auction it. It is expected to get 10-15 billion at auction.
What this means is that someone is going to buy it and use it to provide new wireless services. The people who are looking at buying it are mostly cell phone providers but the one that I am mostly excited about is google. They will likely use it to provide wide spread wireless access that will have a huge range compared to what is available now.
I heard roomers that the government is going to make restrictions that will keep portions of the band available to anyone who needs one. This means that in the future when someone develops a new wireless device they won't have to be a giant company, they can use part of the 700mhz band.
Can't wait to see what happens. The auction is suppose to begin before the end of the month.
YOu can win a bonus point if you can tell me who the person is in the picture.
"Roomers?" That's unfortunate.
If only your education matched the size of your ego.
Just joking Tim, you know everyone loves you.
That's easy FCC Chairman Kevin Martin.
I'm sure you know, you don't have to buy a new tv you can just get a digital tuner, either stand alone or on a dvd/vcr. In fact, I saw a commercial claming there is a government website offering $40 coupons towards such devices.
There is a webiste called and it seems like you don't need a new tv unless you use rabbit ears now.
Allen is guessing Kevin Martin. I thought you wanted the name of the Belly Button person...It is not a guy but I know who it is!!!
I love you guys.
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