Here is an article I got in an email newsletter that I get. Apparently the cellphones may not be what is causing the bees to die.
In a related matter, if you live in NW Arkansas you have got to try Grandma's Honey It is made in Famington and has not been processed. I have not had a lot of really good honeys, but this is the best I have had. It is available at Walmart.
As previously reported in Organic Bytes (Issue #104), beekeepers in 24 states are experiencing record losses of honeybees. Some states have reported up to 70% disappearances of commercial bee populations. Researchers are struggling to find the causes of this mysterious collapse. A crucial element of this story, missing from reports in the mainstream media, is the fact that organic beekeepers across North America are not experiencing colony collapses. The millions of dying bees are hyper-bred varieties whose hives are regularly fumigated with toxic pesticides by conventional beekeepers attempting to ward off mites. In contrast, organic beekeepers avoid pesticides and toxic chemicals and strive to use techniques that closely emulate the ecology of bees in the wild. Researchers are beginning to link the mass deaths of non-organic bees to pesticide exposure, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and the common practice of moving conventional bee hives over long distances.
Learn more: http://www.organicconsumers
1 comment:
You got to see this bee story. This guy says bees are dying from sugar and artificial sweeteners. It is on a Bee Leave it page at www.alloftheanswers.com
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