I have been wanting to read this book for a while. It is basically what the rich teach their kids that the poor and middle class do not. That said it is not a parenting book, it is a personal finance book. In the book he encourages people to buy assets. He says that the poor only have expenses (bills), the middle class buys liabilities that they think are assets (cars) , and the rich buy assets (things that make more money than they cost). Although I don't agree that people should go into debt to buy assets, but I do agree that people need to buy assets.
Yeah, that's what Dave's biggest differnt is with him, the debt part. But he does like him and says it's a good book to read. I can't find that one in our library. I do have it in my wish list on amazon though.
What else are you reading?
So, did we teach you anything about this growing up? There was Papaw/Mamaw's annual WMT gift for birthdays. You did have a savings account. That's about as much as we knew at your age....
Except for this, which you must still remember. True riches are eternal. Money invested in God's work will never loose value. The dividends last forever. I know you know that and that you are a giving family, but in the midst of assets, remember your greatest opportunity for investment. If you need any investment ideas (eternal) let me know and I'll tell you about my friend Ginny who is getting ready to serve and needs support.
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