There are a number of organizations that help build wells in Africa. My favorite is here are some stats on how our money can help them build wells. You wont believe how much it costs to change someones life.
For $1 you can provide one year of clean water for one African.
For $7 you can provide a lifetime of clean water for one African
For $3000 you can provide enough money to build a well and provide clean water to an entire community including Hospitals and Schools.
Can you believe that. $1 can provide water for one African for a year. I spend more than that to buy one bottle of water.
I love this because it is a very reachable goal. The 20 billion goal from the last post seamed unreachable and most people would just say "well the rich are going to have to do this". Or we might pray, "Dear Baby Jesus", help the people in Africa get clean water. Well I have good news for us as well as Africa, God has a plan. That's right God has a plan to end this water problem.
It is us, we are the plan, there is no plan B, we are the plan. We are it. If he wanted to he could provide clean springs or water from rocks, but that is not his plan. He desperately wants to use you and me to impact the world. We should be honored that God has trusted his resources with us so that we can use them for his good.
Here are some more figures.
In 1970 the United nations set a target for all developed nations that would make a huge dent in the amount of aid available to issues like water. They suggested that governments give 0.7% of what they make each year. not much, huh? Sadly, virtually all members of the united nations are a long way from that target. - from a book called God's Gravity by Craig Borlase.
Genessa and I have been challenged by this number. 0.7% we would probably never notice two or three times that much if it were missing from our budget. So we have taken this number literally and we are going to set aside money every week to help provide water in Africa.
And for those of you who really know Genessa and I when God asks for something from us we do it and not only that, but we always go the extra 3/10th's of a percent (that was a math joke). So we are going to give 1% to this type of cause.
If you make $700 a month, every month you would give $7, which would translate to a lifetime of water for someone. Wouldn't it be great to know that you changed someones life.
Here is my next big idea. we have all seen the Wendy's commercials were the guy is getting his car fixed and the mechanic says, "that will be 300 frostys". They translate dollars to their dollar menu. $1 = biggie fries or $1 = 5 crispy chicken nuggets.
So what if we started talking in terms of water for Africa. "coke= 2 years of water for an African", or "ipod= 230 years of water for an African" or my new "cell phone=79 years of water for an African - 50 years of water for an African mail-in rebate= 29 years of water for an African"
Would this change the way we think about the things we "have to have". Or perhaps it would help us to be more considerate of others and that we must use our resources because they are a gift from God.
So the big idea. I need all you influential people who read my blog to help me with this. What if we could get McDonald's and other fast food company's to add a "$1 year of water for an African" to their value menu. I believe that there are a number of people who would get on board for this type of thing. It only cost one dollar and they can make a difference. Plus it is readily available, you can donate on your lunch brake, or on your way to pick up the kids from school.
Additional ideas might be a retailer like Walmart having a special section for products that will agree to donate $1 for every product purchased. Company's like Phillips electronics could make some fancy electronic candles and when we buy them they provide water for Africa. I know I would spend my time in that section of Walmart to buy my Christmas gifts if given the option.
And for those of you who think Josh and I went on the spiritual trip soley full of learning, praying and Fasting. A meca of sorts check out these two videos the first is our world record attempt of the most people in a Pillow Fight (some 10,000 people). The second video is of the national dogball champions (who are also youth ministers) taking on a crowd of 10,000 with little red rubber balls.
$7 that is all it takes to change a life.
Shine on,
I watched the video, but I couldn't find you in the pictures. Are you sure you were there?
That's a good idea with the water deal. Who does it? I saw someone on latenight Christian TV talk about wells one time. It was a fascinating ministry. is one group who does it, there are others. BW mission is lead by Jars of Clay.
And for those who aren't familiar with my spelling deficit, dogball = dodgeball.
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