It is going to be great.
In addition to the conference, we are going to visit the coca-cola world. Apparently Coke was first served in a soda shop kinda place in Atlanta. there is also a whitte castle in the world of coke, I have always wanted to try white castle.
We are going to go to Mellow Mushroom pizza, which is suppost to be a really good pizza place.
Josh is always raving about Chipotle so I assume we will be making a trip. It is some kind of burrito place kind of like Moe's "welcome to moe's".
This may not be a good time to mention that I am trying to loose a little weight. Or at least try not to gain anymore than I have in my resent sedentary lifestyle.
Here is my call to action. If you know of something worth doing (especially if it doesn't involve eating) let me know. I will try and check my blog here and there. But if it is an uber sweet idea you may need to e-mailme about it.
Shine on,
yo man-- i emailed you as well, if you haven't seen it yet. as to catchy titles, The Lost Trailers have a song either entitled 'Atlanta' or 'Get to Atlanta,' which I highly recommend (both the band and the song).
As to exercise, sprinting restaurant to restaurant is how I justify my eating habits here in Italy. Pizza and gelati will kill you if you take the bus all of the time. So, just stay on your feet. You will sleep better too....
further on...
I have been on the Slim Fast Optima Plan for almost 4 weeks, and have lost 8lbs. It has been very easy and it even gives you the recipes to make your dinner meals. Go to slimfast.com to find out more.
you should try disc golf, it's great exercise if you run from hole to hole, just don't play with Pete-us he might be you without even trying. I hear there are some great courses in and around Nashville, TN....
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